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来源The World's First Everything-Proof Underground Luxury Community | Popular Science
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The World's First Everything-Proof Underground Luxury Community
Survive the end of the world for just $5,000 down
By Arnie Cooper10.07.2010 at 10:13 am
阿尼•库伯 2010/10/07
背景:Terra Vivos,地堡式分时享用度假别墅,受电影《2012》渲染的世界末日情绪推动,美国一家公司将在2010年6月起推出一种地堡式分时享用度假别墅,这种名为Terra Vivos的别墅设计的目的是为了抵挡核弹袭击、全球大瘟疫等灾难。 (来自互动百科)
Entrance to the Terra Vivos Underground Robert Vicino at the entrance to his Terra Vivos underground shelter network near Barstow, California John B. Carnett
罗伯特•维奇诺站在他位于加利福尼亚巴斯托的地下居住区Terra Vivos 的入口处。 摄影 约翰•B•卡奈特
To reach the world's first everything-proof underground luxury community, I drive east out of Barstow, California, 50 or so miles into the Mojave Desert, then turn down an unmarked gravel road, park in a barren lot surrounded by razor wire, enter what appears to be a small cinderblock garage, and walk down two steep flights of reinforced-concrete stairs, at which point the project's enthusiastic promoter, Robert Vicino, greets me with an outstretched hand, slams a 3,000-pound blast door behind us, and asks this question: "Do you have a family?"
为了前往世界上第一处能够抵挡一切袭击的地下豪华社区,我朝东开车到距加利福尼亚巴斯托(Barstow)大约50英里的莫哈韦沙漠(Mojave Desert),然后转向一条没有路标的碎石路,把车停在一块周围满是铁丝网的空地上,走进一座貌似空心砖堆砌的车库,又走了两段很陡的钢筋混净土楼梯,在这里见到了这项工程的热心推动者——罗伯特•维奇诺(Robert Vicino),他伸出手来欢迎我,关上了我们身后3000磅重的防爆门,然后问我:"你有家庭吗?"
Then: Do I have life insurance? Would I like to have 10 times the life insurance I already have? Would I like to have something even better? Because I can. The structure in which we are now standing was built by AT&T in 1965 to protect telephone infrastructure from a nuclear attack, but now it can protect something far more important: me and my loved ones. For just $50,000 each—half off for kids—I can buy a fractional share of the Terra Vivos underground shelter network, a project that will include at least 19 more "community bunkers," each of them located within 150 to 200 miles of a major American city. Terra Vivos is a concrete-and-steel solution to the end times, whether brought about by climate change or nuclear war or even an unavoidable realignment of the cosmic order. Wherever I happen to be at that terrible moment, I'll have a place to live the morning after. "I'm not selling life insurance," Vicino explains. "I'm providing life assurance."
接着他问:我有人身保险吗?我想更安全十倍吗?我想获得更安全的保护吗?因为我可以让我的梦想成为现实。我们所在的这座由美国电话电报公司为保护电话设施免遭核攻击于1965年建造的建筑如今可以保护更重要的人——我和我的家人。只需50000美元/人(儿童半价),我就可以买到Terra Vivos地下居住区(这项工程将包括至少另外19处地下社区,每一处都位于距美国主要城市150到200英里的地方)的一块地方。Terra Vivos在世界末日时会绝对安全,不管是气候变化或者核战争甚至是宇宙秩序的重新调整。不管身在何处碰上这种灾难,我都将有逃过这一切的地方。"我不是在卖人身保险",维奇诺解释到,"我是在提供人身保险。"
The physical specifications required to assure life are striking. The Barstow bunker was built to withstand a 50-megaton nuclear blast 10 miles away, 450mph winds, a magnitude-10 earthquake, 10 days of 1,250°F surface fires, and three weeks beneath any flood. Vicino says that a soon-to-be-installed air-filtration system will also neutralize any biological, chemical or nuclear attacks. The Barstow branch will stock enough food and clothing to sustain 135 people for at least a year, and in a lifestyle that Vicino describes as compact but luxurious, like being on a cruise ship. Getting on board requires a $5,000 deposit, he says, to be held in escrow until the bunker is ready to move into, at which point the remainder is due. As of August, several hundred people had put their money down for a spot in one of his bunkers, he says; 75 for Barstow thus far.
Bunker Bathroom
Vicino has always had a taste for offbeat business ventures. In 1977, at the age of 22, he pioneered the "giant inflatables" advertising medium by building a giant inflatable Jose Cuervo bottle for the liquor company to display at events. Within five years, he says, he had 200 Fortune 500 clients. After he had done everything he could do in the inflatables sector, he sold his company and began a new venture, speculating in fractional shares of resort homes from Europe to Hawaii. (A fractional share is like a timeshare, except that buyers actually own a piece of the title.)
The idea to build and sell post-apocalyptic bunkers weighed on Vicino for many years before he acted. In 1980 he saw a replica of the Mayan calendar, the ancient stone carving that predicts that the world will end on December 21, 2012. Vicino recalls the moment clearly. "It just gave me this gut-wrenching feeling that I needed to convert a mine to a shelter for 1,000 people with everything you'd need to survive for a long period of time." The decades passed, however, and it wasn't until this year, the end times fast approaching, that Vicino purchased the Barstow bunker for an undisclosed amount. He has six more under contract: one in North Carolina, one in Pennsylvania, two in New York, and two in "the Midwest." (Vicino won't give precise locations, citing the need to stay hidden from intruders.)
Now, as 2012 approaches, Vicino says he is actually more worried about 2013, when solar activity is expected to increase significantly. He says an extreme solar storm could fire a catastrophic electromagnetic pulse at Earth, crash the power grid, and thereby trigger anarchy. Even if the world escapes that fate, it could still face an asteroid, or a plague, or a war. Anything could happen. "2012 is just the impetus to bring the project forward because there's a great deal of concern now, but these bunkers could be of use anytime in the next 200 years," Vicino says. "We're building for whenever."
Living Module: Each Vivos bunk, Vicino says, will allot 100 square feet of space to each resident.
All Sales Final: Vicino's repair list for the Barstow bunker is extensive. Before he can start redecorating, it needs new wiring, a new generator, air filters and more. Projected cost: $3.5 million. John B. Carnett
Vicino leads me into a smaller room, and the scent of old diesel recalls the bunker's Cold War vintage. Vicino points to a flip switch marked "nuclear blast detector." It activates a gamma-ray detector that will spot a nuclear blast as much as 100 miles away and instantly shut all the airvents. He had it tested before moving in. "This is the real thing," he says. "It still works!"
Until recently, the construction of large bomb shelters was mainly the work of governments. In 1962, for instance, federal authorities completed construction of a massive "continuity of government" bunker beneath the Greenbrier resort in West Virginia. The nuclear-fallout shelter, code-named Project Greek Island, packed enough supplies to keep all of Congress plus another 600 staff members alive for 45 days.
直到最近,建造大型防空洞才成为政府的主要工作。例如,在1962年,联邦政府在西弗吉尼亚州绿蔷薇度假区(Greenbrier resort in West Virginia)地底建造完成了一大片政府使用的地下碉堡。代号为希腊岛工程(Project Greek Island)的核辐射防护工程存储了足够国会以及另外600人存活45天的供应。
Now smaller entrepreneurs are getting involved. Some are building from scratch—Texas-based Radius Engineering, for instance, offers fiberglass shelters that it says can support 2,000 people for five years underground—and others are taking over Cold War relics. "The critical infrastructure is there," says Larry Hall, the project manager of Survival Condo Project, which is converting abandoned Atlas missile silos in Kansas into seven-floor fallout shelters at $1.75 million a floor. Brian Camden, the CEO of the Colorado firm Hardened Structures, says his bunker sales have increased by 40 percent since 2005. He is also helping Vicino renovate his older bunkers and build 13 more bunkers from prefabricated units that Vicino is ordering from a yacht manufacturer in Taiwan.
如今小公司也加入到了建造生存社区的行列。有些公司从零开始——例如,德克萨斯州的半径工程公司(Radius Engineering)出售玻璃纤维防护所,这种防护所可以使2000人在地下生活五年,其他的公司则利用冷战时期的遗产。"最重要的基础设施已经摆在那儿,"生存公寓工程(Survival Condo Project,该工程将位于堪萨斯州被遗弃的阿特拉斯导弹发射井改建成七层防空洞,每层花费175万美元)项目经理拉里•豪尔说。布莱登•卡姆登,科罗拉多州Hardened Structures公司首席执行官称他的地下社区销售自2005年增长了40%。他也在帮助维奇诺修理老旧的地下城堡;用维奇诺预先从一台湾游艇制造商那定做的原件建造另外13座地下社区。
Bunk Bedroom: Each 8-by-10 bedroom sleeps four.
Buyers are drawn to Vivos for a variety of reasons. Jason Hodge, a 40-year-old former mechanic, says the promised air-filtration system was a major attraction: "I live 123 miles from Los Angeles, and I'm on the windward side of town. If a dirty bomb goes off in L.A., the fallout's hitting my neighborhood within a couple of hours." Steve Kramer, a 56-year-old respiratory therapist from Palos Verdes, California, is more concerned about post-apocalyptic raiders. He made his deposit, he says, after inspecting the bunker's hardened-steel doors, which are strong enough to repel a tank blast.
顾客购买地下社区的原因众多。40岁的杰森•霍奇(之前是一名机械工人)称他们所承诺的空气过滤系统是吸引我的主要地方:"我住在洛杉矶外123英里的地方并且我住的地方在小镇的迎风面,如果洛杉矶发生爆炸,辐射尘将在几小时内到达我所在的街区。"来自加利福尼亚帕洛斯弗迪斯(Palos Verdes)56岁的呼吸理疗师史蒂夫•克拉莫则更在意2012之后的各种威胁。他说在视察地下社区,看到了足以抵抗油罐爆炸的淬火钢门之后,他交了定金。
Building the Vivos society requires complicated engineering too. Vicino says he has 5,000 additional applicants on file but that he is being selective in order to create a balanced community. "You wouldn't want 200 doctors in one facility and no plumbers," he says. "If the toilet breaks, that could be a real disaster." People can bring guns, but they must check them at the door. If someone misbehaves, the security staff will lock him in a detention center. Vicino is also thinking about survival of the species, not just his customers. He plans to stock each Vivos bunker with a freezer full of DNA samples of as many species as he can collect. Whether it's preserving humanity or reseeding a scorched planet, he asks, "don't you want to be one of the guys repopulating the Earth?"
As our tour nears its conclusion, Vicino shows me an old control panel that indicates which bunker systems are still functioning. Only a few of the dozens of ights are blinking. The wiring is shot, the toilets don't flush, and the 750-kilowatt diesel generator is so environmentally unsound that California law forbids him to run it. Vicino says he will need at least three more months to get the premises up to cruise-ship standards; the other 19 bunkers could be ready in 18 months.
The good news is that most scientists aren't predicting any immediate trouble. Regarding the Mayan prediction of a planetary alignment that would catastrophically reverse the Earth's magnetic field, Tom Bogdan, the director of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Space Weather Prediction Center, notes, "The planets have lined up plenty of times in the past, and we haven't detected any associated catastrophe." And in any case, no planetary alignment is expected in 2012. The only asteroid projected to come near Earth is a 1,000-foot-long rock called Apophis, and that won't be until 2029. Steve Chesley, a scientist with NASA's Near-Earth Object Program, says that even then, the odds of it hitting Earth run 250,000 to 1, adding, "There's nothing that looks particularly threatening out there." Climate change, meanwhile, will probably take several decades to create truly apocalyptic conditions, and in January the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists actually set its doomsday clock back by a full minute.
大多数科学家预言近期没有大的灾难,这着实是一条好消息。根据玛雅九星一线的预言,到时将导致地球磁极发生灾难性的倒转。美国国家海洋和大气管理局太空天气预测中心(National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Space Weather Prediction Center)主管汤姆•博格丹(Tom Bogdan)称:"九星一线过去已经发生很多次,我们并没有观测到与之相关的灾难。不管如何,预测显示2012年不会发生九星一线。预计只有一颗叫做Apophis(科学家估计,小行星的碰撞并不足以消灭地球上的生物,不过,碰撞所产生的一连串事件,如大量的火山爆发、海水水位上升、海水的氧气减少及气候急速改变,才导致大量生物死亡,地震的力量相等於芮氏震级十二级,是地球最强烈的地震的一百万倍,火山喷射出来的灰尘和二氧化碳,将会产生温室作用,令地球的气温上升,灰尘并且阻挡了日光,使植物不能产生光合作用,破坏地球的食物链。------来自互动百科)的1000英尺大的行星有可能接近地球,而那也是2029年的事。来自美国宇航局近地天体项目(NASA's Near-Earth Object Program)的史蒂夫•切斯利(Steve Chesley)称即使到那时撞击地球的几率增加了250,000倍,"也不会有什么看起来很有威胁的。"同时,气候变化可能在几十年后带来所预言的后果。在一月份的原子物理学家公报(Bulletin of Atomic Scientists)将世界末日的时间推迟了整整一分钟。
When I relate such findings to Vicino, he is unmoved. He says disaster is always imminent, that someone could explode a nuclear weapon at any moment, that two asteroids had only just recently come this close to slamming into the Earth. "Do you have a fire extinguisher in your home?" he asks finally. "Do you think it's crazy to have it? Do you feel bad if you don't get to use it to put out a fire? You just don't know what's heading our way."
Entertainment Room: When disaster strikes, Vicino says, you won't have time to pack, so Vivos bunkers will be stocked with casual attire, shoes and plenty of underwear. When it's time to leave, you'll get sturdy outdoor apparel to survive the wilderness.
娱乐室:当灾难来临,你没有时间收拾东西 ,安全社区已经贮存了衣服,鞋子和大量的内衣。你要穿上结实的户外衣服以使你在荒地生存。

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